Inside an Interdimensional Spaceship


  • Digital Book

Autoria: Jennifer Dhursaille / JD Stella
– (English Edition)

A personal report based on my experiences with beings from other realms of conscientiousness.
Have you ever imagined what a spaceship looks like when seen from the inside?
How things work in there?
How an abduction takes place?

And even more intriguing: Have you ever wondered about the looks, habits and lifestyle of its occupants? I was granted this opportunity – and truly speaking it is an opportunity many of those who are reading this also had it – but the most important thing is: I was allowed to REMEMBER.

For years I wished to be able to write this report, telling details of my encounter with not ordinary beings, and now I finally managed to do so in the pages of my first non-channeled book.

On it is pages I share my memories, interpretations and part of the amazing wisdom they conveyed to me. This book contains drawings with the description of 5 different levels I have been inside an interdimensional spaceship, besides some remarkable personal experiences that led me to understand reality from a new panorama, and mostly important:

WHY do the abductions occur and WHAT is the INTEREST of those beings in MANKIND and PLANET EARTH.


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Inside an Interdimensional Spaceship

Autoria: Jennifer Dhursaille / JD Stella
– (English Edition)

Páginas: 113
Idioma: Inglês

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Digital Book

Digital Book


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